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/*-- WVLIST.C -- File containing functions to deal with the NNTP LIST
* command, which lists all the newsgroups and their status.
* Mark Riordan 25 October 1990
#include "windows.h"
#include "wvglob.h"
#include "winvn.h"
#ifndef MAC
#include "winundoc.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#define HASHMAX 9721
#define MAXGROUPS 3200
TypLine far *far * NetHashTable;
HANDLE hNetHashTable;
HANDLE htohNewGroupLines;
HANDLE far *lphNewGroupLines; /* array of handles to new group lines */
HWND hDlgList; /* Handle to child list box window. */
#define MyGlobalUnlock(hWhat) MRRGlobalUnlock(hWhat,__LINE__)
void MRRGlobalUnlock (HANDLE hWhat, WORD wLine);
MRRGlobalUnlock (hWhat, wLine)
WORD wLine;
WORD LockCount;
char mybuf[80];
if (!(LockCount = (GMEM_LOCKCOUNT & GlobalFlags (hWhat))))
#if 0
sprintf (mybuf, "In WVLIST.C line %d", wLine);
MessageBox (hWndConf, mybuf, "Attempt to unlock 0 LockCount", MB_OK);
GlobalUnlock (hWhat);
/*--- function StartList -----------------------------------------------
* Initiate the process of sending a LIST command and using its
* output to update our list of news groups.
StartList ()
unsigned int hashval;
CommState = ST_LIST_RESP;
CommBusy = TRUE;
PutCommLine ("LIST", 4);
InvalidateRect (hWndConf, NULL, FALSE);
SendMessage (hWndConf, WM_PAINT, 0, 0L);
/* Set up hash table for group names */
hNetHashTable = GlobalAlloc (GMEM_MOVEABLE, (long) HASHMAX * sizeof (TypLine far *));
NetHashTable = (TypLine far * far *) GlobalLock (hNetHashTable);
for (hashval = 0; hashval < HASHMAX; hashval++)
NetHashTable[hashval] = (TypLine far *) 0;
HashNetGroups (&NetDoc, NetHashTable);
InvalidateRect (hWndConf, NULL, FALSE);
Initializing = INIT_GETTING_LIST;
SendMessage (hWndConf, WM_PAINT, 0, 0L);
/* Set up table of pointers to new group lines.
#if 0
htohNewGroupLines = GlobalAlloc (GMEM_MOVEABLE, (long) MAXGROUPS * sizeof (HANDLE));
lphNewGroupLines = (HANDLE far *) GlobalLock (htohNewGroupLines);
InitGroupTable ();
/*--- function InitGroupTable -------------------------------------------
* Allocate the NewGroupTable.
* Exit: hNewGroupTable is the handle
* NewGroupTable points to the table
* nNewGroups has been initialized to 0.
InitGroupTable (void)
hNewGroupTable = GlobalAlloc (GMEM_MOVEABLE, (long) MAXGROUPS * sizeof (TypLine far *));
NewGroupTable = (void far * far *) GlobalLock (hNewGroupTable);
nNewGroups = 0;
/*--- function HashNetGroups ------------------------------------------
* Enter all the groups in the Net document into the hash table.
* Exit All blocks in the document are locked.
* HashTable is (partially) filled with pointers to
* each of the lines in "Doc".
HashNetGroups (Doc, HashTable)
TypDoc *Doc;
TypLine far *far * HashTable;
TypBlock far *BlockPtr;
TypLine far *LinePtr;
TypLine far *far * hashptr;
unsigned int hashval;
HANDLE hBlock;
unsigned int Offset;
unsigned int TextOffset;
unsigned char far *textptr;
TypLineID MyLineID;
/* Lock all blocks in the document */
hBlock = Doc->hFirstBlock;
BlockPtr = (TypBlock far *) GlobalLock (hBlock);
hBlock = BlockPtr->hNextBlock;
while (hBlock);
/* Now start at the beginning of the document, going through
* each line in the document, hashing its group name into the table.
hBlock = Doc->hFirstBlock;
Offset = sizeof (TypBlock);
MyLineID = 0L;
LockLine (hBlock, Offset, MyLineID, &BlockPtr, &LinePtr);
TextOffset = Doc->OffsetToText;
if (LinePtr->length != END_OF_BLOCK)
textptr = ((unsigned char far *) LinePtr) + TextOffset;
hashval = HashGroup (textptr);
while (HashTable[hashval])
hashval = (hashval + 1) % HASHMAX;
HashTable[hashval] = LinePtr;
while (NextLine (&BlockPtr, &LinePtr));
UnlockLine (BlockPtr, LinePtr, &hBlock, &Offset, &MyLineID);
/*--- function ProcListLine ---------------------------------------------
* Process a line received from the NNTP LIST command output.
* Each line from the LIST command has the form:
* <groupname> <highest_art_#> <lowest_art_#> {y|n|m}
ProcListLine (ListLine)
unsigned char *ListLine;
unsigned int hashval;
char far *textptr;
unsigned char *cptr, *restline;
char mygroupline[BLOCK_SIZE];
TypGroup *mygroup;
TypGroup far *netgroup;
long int ArtNum;
if ((++RcvLineCount) % UPDATE_TITLE_FREQ == 0)
InvalidateRect (hWndConf, NULL, FALSE);
if (RcvLineCount % (UPDATE_TITLE_FREQ * 25) == 0)
UpdateWindow (hWndConf);
/* Replace the first blank in the input line with a zero. */
for (cptr = ListLine; *cptr && *cptr != ' '; cptr++);
*cptr = '\0';
restline = cptr + 1; /* points to highest art # */
hashval = HashGroup (ListLine);
if (!NetHashTable[hashval])
/* This is a new group.
* Create a Group line from the information in this line.
CrackGroupLine (ListLine, (TypLine *) (mygroupline));
mygroup = (TypGroup *) (mygroupline + sizeof (TypLine));
GetNum (&restline, &(mygroup->ServerLast));
GetNum (&restline, &(mygroup->ServerFirst));
mygroup->HighestPrevSeen = 0;
mygroup->nRanges = 0;
AddGroupToTable (mygroupline);
#if 0
MessageBox (hWndConf, ListLine, "New Group:", MB_OK);
textptr = ((char far *) NetHashTable[hashval] + sizeof (TypLine) + sizeof (TypGroup));
if (lstrcmp (textptr, ListLine))
hashval = (hashval + 1) % HASHMAX;
goto checkhash;
/* This group is already present in NetDoc.
* Update the ServerFirst and ServerLast fields.
netgroup = (TypGroup far *) ((char far *) NetHashTable[hashval] + sizeof (TypLine));
GetNum (&restline, &ArtNum);
netgroup->ServerLast = ArtNum;
GetNum (&restline, &ArtNum);
netgroup->ServerFirst = ArtNum;
netgroup->ServerEstNum = netgroup->ServerLast - netgroup->ServerFirst + 1;
/*--- function AddGroupToTable ----------------------------------------
* Add a group line, formatted for eventual inclusion in NetDoc,
* to NewGroupTable.
* Entry: GroupLine is the line to add to the table.
* Exit: NewGroupTable contains the line
* nNewGroups has been incremented.
AddGroupToTable (char far * GroupLine)
char far *AllocPtr;
int mylength;
/* Create a copy of this line in far memory and place pointers
* to in our arrays.
mylength = ((TypLine far *) GroupLine)->length + sizeof (HANDLE);
hLine = GlobalAlloc (GMEM_MOVEABLE, (long) mylength);
AllocPtr = (char far *) GlobalLock (hLine);
MoveBytes ((char far *) &hLine, AllocPtr, sizeof (hLine));
MoveBytes ((char far *) GroupLine, AllocPtr + sizeof (hLine), mylength - sizeof (hLine));
NewGroupTable[nNewGroups] = AllocPtr;
/*--- function HashGroup -------------------------------------------------
* Hash a string into an unsigned integer.
* This hash function is designed based on information from a
* handout for a UC Berkeley class CS 60C, Spring 1990, Clancy/
* Harrison. I picked up the handout while wandering around on
* Berkeley's campus in May 1990. The handout in turn is based
* on the McKenzie, et al., article "Selecting a Hashing Algorithm"
* in Software Practice and Experience, Vol 20, no 2, Feb 1990.
* The algorithm is similar to that used in the AT&T C++ compiler.
* /mrr
unsigned int
HashGroup (gname)
unsigned char far *gname;
long unsigned int sum = 0;
unsigned int hash;
for (; *gname; gname++)
sum = (sum << 1) + *gname;
hash = sum % HASHMAX;
return (hash);
/*--- function ProcEndList -------------------------------------------
* Do the final processing when we have reached the end of the
* list of newsgroups sent us via the LIST command.
ProcEndList ()
char mybuf[80];
char far *cptr;
int j, selstate;
FARPROC lpfnWinVnGroupListDlg;
TypBlock far *BlockPtr;
TypLine far *LinePtr;
TypGroup far *group;
WORD LockCount;
#if 0
sprintf (mybuf, "%d new groups found.", nNewGroups);
MessageBox (hWndConf, mybuf, "", MB_OK);
ShellSort (NewGroupTable, nNewGroups, sizeof (void far *), GroupCompare);
#if 0
for (j = 0; j < nNewGroups; j++)
cptr = ((char far *) NewGroupTable[j]) + sizeof (HANDLE) + sizeof (TypLine) + sizeof (TypGroup);
MessageBox (hWndConf, cptr, "New Group:", MB_OK);
lpfnWinVnGroupListDlg = MakeProcInstance (WinVnGroupListDlg, hInst);
/* Display dialog box of new groups.
if (nNewGroups && DialogBox (hInst, "WinVnGroupList", hWndConf, lpfnWinVnGroupListDlg))
/* The user has clicked OK, so add all the new groups to the
* Net document. Subscribed groups go at the end of the Subscribed
* section at the top of the doc.
* Unsubscribed groups go in the section below, in alphabetical order.
/* Unlock and/or free memory in NetDoc and NewGroupTable. */
CleanUpGroupTable ();
/* Unlock and free the hash table. */
LockCount = GMEM_LOCKCOUNT & GlobalFlags (hNetHashTable);
MyGlobalUnlock (hNetHashTable);
GlobalFree (hNetHashTable);
InvalidateRect (hWndConf, NULL, FALSE);
SetNetDocTitle ();
/*--- function GroupCompare --------------------------------------------
* Compare two group lines alphabetically by group name.
GroupCompare (g1, g2)
TypLine const far *far * g1;
TypLine const far *far * g2;
char far *gch1, far * gch2;
gch1 = (char far *) *g1 + sizeof (HANDLE) + sizeof (TypLine) + sizeof (TypGroup);
gch2 = (char far *) *g2 + sizeof (HANDLE) + sizeof (TypLine) + sizeof (TypGroup);
return (lstrcmp (gch1, gch2));
/*-- function WinVnGroupListDlg ---------------------------------------
* Dialog function to handle selection of new newsgroups to
* subscribe to. (I know, don't end a sentence with "to".)
WinVnGroupListDlg (hDlg, iMessage, wParam, lParam)
HWND hDlg;
unsigned iMessage;
WORD wParam;
LONG lParam;
int j, selstate;
char far *cptr;
WORD notification;
int wItem;
void far *AllocPtr;
TypGroup far *group;
switch (iMessage)
hDlgList = GetDlgItem (hDlg, IDD_GROUP_LISTBOX);
SendMessage (hDlgList, WM_SETREDRAW, FALSE, 0L);
for (j = 0; j < nNewGroups; j++)
cptr = 0;
cptr = (NewGroupTable[j]);
cptr += sizeof (HANDLE) + sizeof (TypLine) + sizeof (TypGroup);
/* Petzold misdocuments this??? Win3.1 kernel complains about this -1 */
/* SendMessage (hDlgList, LB_ADDSTRING, -1, (LONG) cptr); */
SendMessage (hDlgList, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LONG) cptr);
SendMessage (hDlgList, WM_SETREDRAW, TRUE, 0L);
return TRUE;
switch (wParam)
case IDOK:
EndDialog (hDlg, TRUE);
EndDialog (hDlg, FALSE);
#if 0
notification = HIWORD (lParam);
if (notification == LBN_SELCHANGE)
wItem = (WORD) SendMessage (hDlgList, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0L);
return FALSE;
/* Mark the groups pointed to by NewGroupTable as Subscribed
* or not, depending upon whether they are now selected.
for (j = 0; j < nNewGroups; j++)
selstate = (WORD) SendMessage (hDlgList, LB_GETSEL, j, 0L);
AllocPtr = (char far *) NewGroupTable[j] + sizeof (HANDLE);
group = (TypGroup far *) ((char far *) AllocPtr + sizeof (TypLine));
group->Subscribed = selstate;
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
/*--- function PositionEndSubscribed ----------------------------------
* Position a pointer to the end of the subscribed section at the
* beginning of the net document.
* Entry None
* Exit BlockPtr and LinePtr point to the place in NetDoc just
* beyond the last subscribed group. We assume that
* all subscribed groups go at the beginning of the
* document.
PositionEndSubscribed (TypBlock far ** BlockPtr, TypLine far ** LinePtr)
BOOL advance;
TypGroup far *group;
TopOfDoc (&NetDoc, BlockPtr, LinePtr);
advance = TRUE;
group = (TypGroup far *) ((char far *) *LinePtr + sizeof (TypLine));
if (group->Subscribed)
advance = NextLine (BlockPtr, LinePtr);
advance = FALSE;
while (advance);
/*--- function MergeGroups ----------------------------------------
* Merge a list of groups into NetDoc.
* Entry: NewGroupTable is an array of pointers to TypGroup structures
* of groups to be merged into NetDoc.
* hNewGroupTable is the handle to the above.
* nNewGroups is the number of groups in the table.
* WhereSubscribed indicates where new subscribed groups
* should be added.
* ADD_SUBSCRIBED_END_OF_SUB indicates that
* they should be added at the end of the subscribed
* list, before the unsubscribed groups.
* ADD_SUBSCRIBED_TOP_OF_DOC indicates that they
* should be added at the top of the document.
* Exit: The groups in the table have been added to NetDoc, and
* the entries in GroupTable have been freed from memory.
* Also, GroupTable itself has been freed.
MergeGroups (int WhereSubscribed)
TypBlock far *BlockPtr;
TypLine far *LinePtr;
TypGroup far *group;
char far *netcptr;
char far *grpcptr;
void far *AllocPtr;
unsigned int Offset;
TypLineID MyLineID;
char myline[BLOCK_SIZE];
int j, advance, at_end = 0;
switch (WhereSubscribed)
PositionEndSubscribed (&BlockPtr, &LinePtr);
TopOfDoc (&NetDoc, &BlockPtr, &LinePtr);
/* BlockPtr and LinePtr point to the
* place to add new subscribed groups.
* Loop through the new groups; for subscribed groups, add
* them to NetDoc at this point.
* For each subscribed group, unlock and free the corresponding
* line pointed to by NewGroupTable. Set the table entry
* to 0 to indicate that this group has been dealt with.
for (j = 0; j < nNewGroups; j++)
AllocPtr = (char far *) NewGroupTable[j] + sizeof (HANDLE);
group = (TypGroup far *) ((char far *) AllocPtr + sizeof (TypLine));
if (group->Subscribed)
/* This group has been selected and should be subscribed to.
MoveBytes (AllocPtr, myline, ((TypLine far *) AllocPtr)->length);
AddLine ((TypLine *) myline, &BlockPtr, &LinePtr);
hLine = *((HANDLE far *) NewGroupTable[j]);
MyGlobalUnlock (hLine);
GlobalFree (hLine);
NewGroupTable[j] = (void far *) 0;
PositionEndSubscribed (&BlockPtr, &LinePtr);
/* Now take a second pass through NewGroupTable, for the
* unsubscribed groups. If NewGroupTable[j] is non-zero, then
* that group should be entered into the second, unsubscribed
* section of NetDoc, merged in in alphabetical order.
* BlockPtr and LinePtr point to the first unsubscribed group.
for (j = 0; j < nNewGroups; j++)
if (NewGroupTable[j])
/* Search for the right place to add this line. */
AllocPtr = (char far *) NewGroupTable[j] + sizeof (HANDLE);
grpcptr = ((char far *) AllocPtr) + sizeof (TypLine) + sizeof (TypGroup);
advance = TRUE;
if (!at_end) {
netcptr = ((char far *) LinePtr) + sizeof (TypLine) + sizeof (TypGroup);
if (lstrcmp (grpcptr, netcptr) < 0)
advance = FALSE;
advance = NextLine (&BlockPtr, &LinePtr);
if (!advance) at_end = 1; /* possible bug, getting bad netcptr (smr) */
while (advance);
/* Now add the new group at this point */
MoveBytes (AllocPtr, myline, ((TypLine far *) AllocPtr)->length);
AddLine ((TypLine *) myline, &BlockPtr, &LinePtr);
/* Unlock and free this entry in NewGroupTable. */
hLine = *((HANDLE far *) NewGroupTable[j]);
MyGlobalUnlock (hLine);
GlobalFree (hLine);
UnlockLine (BlockPtr, LinePtr, &hLine, &Offset, &MyLineID);
/*--- function CleanUpGroupTable ------------------------------------
* Clean up after doing processing to add or move groups in NetDoc.
CleanUpGroupTable ()
HANDLE hBlock, hBlockNext;
TypBlock far *BlockPtr;
/* Unlock all blocks in the NetDoc document.
hBlock = NetDoc.hFirstBlock;
BlockPtr = (TypBlock far *) GlobalLock (hBlock);
hBlockNext = BlockPtr->hNextBlock;
MyGlobalUnlock (hBlock);
#if 0
LockCount = GMEM_LOCKCOUNT & GlobalFlags (hBlock);
MyGlobalUnlock (hBlock);
hBlock = hBlockNext;
while (hBlock);
/* Unlock and free the NewGroupTable itself. */
#if 0
LockCount = GMEM_LOCKCOUNT & GlobalFlags (hNewGroupTable);
MyGlobalUnlock (hNewGroupTable);
GlobalFree (hNewGroupTable);